Mark Hellier Tractors > Spare parts > Tyres, wheels and rims

Michelin EvoBibs

Category: Tyres, wheels and rims

Michelin EvoBibs

Basic information
Product groupTyres, wheels and rims
BrandMichelin EvoBibs
Machine locationThousand Acre Farm Biddenden TN27 8BF, United Kingdom
CountryUnited Kingdom
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Price excl. VATPOA 
VAT (20%)POA 
Price incl. VATPOA 
Other informationOne Set of Michelin EvoBibs 710/70x42 and 600/70x30 on NH T7 LWB Rims Shop Soiled...POA
Message to the seller of this Michelin EvoBibs
Mark Hellier Tractors SE LtdSelect contact
Mark Hellier
Thousand Acre Farm, Biddenden, Kent, TN27 BNF
Telephone:+44 1580 291271
Mobile phone:+44 7836 723944
Fax:+44 1580 292432
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